Deep dive into what happens inside and out of an on-demand platform.
In this post, let’s visualize the structure of the on-demand model a bit further, using our blog, On-Demand Structure: Division of Labor and Processes as a starting point.
Below is the overall process from a business perspective:
It’s fairly simple: your marketing or sourcing team does their job at attracting job seekers to the platform via job posts, referrals, or whatever your approach is. Everything else happens inside the platform.
When you add in your vetting and assigning teams, below is what happens next:
Vetting team reviews candidate profiles, credentials, and anything else your onboarding process requires. Once they’re evaluated, your team can authorize them for job types. This gives the green light to the platform (or your assignment team) to starting sending them matching job openings.
If any candidates don’t meet your requirements, or you need more information, you can reject them from the active workforce as well.
Next, your assigning team works with the platform to match candidates to jobs.
Now, this is the point where the true magic of a talent marketplace takes place.
Overtime, the platform increasingly takes lead as it learns (based on your assignments and rankings) who is best at which jobs and assigns them accordingly. It’s dynamic, too. So, if a candidate starts performing better at their job and their ranking increases, the platform will prioritize them higher for the job.
What does all of this mean? With the platform doing most of the task work matching and assigning candidates to jobs, your team can focus on bigger picture growth projects, like marketing and client management.