Make it Yours

  • You worked hard for your brand, keep it.
  • Your logos and branding show your client YOU are in control.
  • White-Label iOS/android apps.
Empowering people, white label software

White-Label Platform,
AI Bot, and App

Step forward and leap ahead of your competition with an AI platform that is constantly working to ensure all your shifts and staff are in the right state.


It's your brand all the way. Your clients, staff, or your recruiters will not see any brand other than yours.


Your data is stored in a separate database and no one other than your team has access to your content, not even us.

Fall in Love Again

Whether you're a solopreneur or a Fortune 500 company, WOLF adapts to the complexity (or simplicity) of your existing operations.

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Ratings & Reviews

Automatically collect ratings and feedback from clients or supervisors after jobs are completed. The platform automatically uses this data for future recommendations.

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Check-ins & Timesheets

Bye, bye paper time sheets, and hello to knowing your staff have made it to the event on-site and on-time. Your platform alerts you about potential no-shows and starts finding replacements.

Billing & Payments

Pay staff directly. No more paper checks or hours determining outstanding balances. Automatically charge credit cards and create invoices for clients.

Interview Scheduler

Enter available slots for interviews every week. Would you like to interview a candidate? Just click invite. Your platform will reach out to schedule them for the next available date and will remind them at right time.

Reconfirmations & Assistant

Your platform works like an assistant. It reconfirms and identifies potential no shows, proactively getting stand-by staff in case of a no-show.

Feature Marketplace

It's your platform, make it yours. We completely customize it for you. Need to add or remove some feature? Visit our marketplace to do that with a click.

Get an Edge in Marketing, Operations, and Technology

Your platform is packed with features to increase revenue, reduce costs, and give you a unique competitive advantage.

  • Conversational Bot Assistant
  • Free Onboarding and Live Support
  • Completely White-Label

Get Your Platform Now.

Easy Integration
User-friendly documentation and plug-ins.
Increased Conversion
A seamless user-experience for your customer.
Satisfied Customers
In-house and dedicated support.